Authorization code request
Description > Authorization code request
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Description > Authorization code request
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Include the authorization token you just generated and the original, unmodified, state value when you redirect by appending the code and state parameters. When you send a request, you often have to include parameters to ensure the request has permission to access and return the data you want.
However, it can be a page or method that only receives the authorization token and then redirects to another page or method. The acr Claim is requested as a Voluntary Claim by this parameter.
Request and Authorization Forms - The implementation in this library is deprecated and to be removed in future releases.
The user is then presented with a page asking to grant the website permission to the requestt profile. After the user approves the request, the client receives the authorization code and can trade that code for an and. After the request has the access token, they can authorixation the. The scope of the request. The type of response requested. An opaque value used authorizxtion the client to maintain state between this request and the response. The authorization service will include this value when redirecting the user back to the client. It is also used to prevent cross-site request forgery. The client will then receive an Authorization Response described below. An code code is valid for 5 minutes. The redirect also copies the state passed by the user-agent in the authorization request. This value allows you to keep track of the user's state before the request. It is also used to prevent. Access Token Request After the client website receives an Authorization Response with a valid authorization code, it can use that code to obtain an access token. With an access token, the client can read a customer profile. The type of access grant requested. The code returned by the authorization request. The secret value assigned to the client during registration. This is because that exchange requires the client secret, which should not be stored in a script. As a code, your web server will need to make the exchange instead. Maximum size of 2048 bytes. Maximum size of 2048 bytes. ServerError The authorization encountered a runtime error. When you obtain cpde access token, you will also receive a refresh token. You can use a refresh token to retrieve a new access token. The type of access grant requested. The refresh token returned by the original Access Token Response described above.